Discover how to use federal funds to fight the post-pandemic mental health crisis in education

  • Help battle teen anxiety and teacher burnout

  • Gain access to qualified mental health professionals

  • See how some districts successfully address their needs with USRBP help

  • Take advantage of Federal ARPA Funds until December 31st, 2024 

Download your copy now.

NOTE: The final and largest round of ESSER funding ($122 billion) offered immediate opportunities for schools to hire more mental health professionals and partner with community organizations or private service providers.  While this funding must be assigned to an expense by the end of September, 2024, schools may still have access to ARPA funds through December 31, 2024.  Contact us below to help identify what resources you have for this important benefit.

USRBP has partners who can navigate the healthcare system and quickly connect your students, educators, and their families with trained professionals from a vetted network.

Don’t miss this opportunity to address this important part of your Strategic Plan.

Blog Post: Prioritize the mental health of your students and staff.

K12 administrators consistently list student and staff mental health as one of their toughest challenges. COVID-19 exacerbated existing problems, leading to a crisis that lingers. The emotional wellbeing and academic progress of millions of students are still impaired, and teachers continue to leave the profession due to burnout. 

Fortunately, the Federal Government has given out multiple waves of funding to assist in addressing these needs. Over $200 billion in Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funds and over $350 billion in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds were allocated to aid school districts with pandemic-related challenges, including helping students and teachers with mental health needs.  

Questions? Want to talk with someone now?

Contact U.S. Retirement & Benefits Partners
Call our Dedicated Representative at Phone: (732)-234-9082

If you or a loved one are currently experiencing issues related to mental health, please call the National Mental Health Hotline by dialing 988 from your phone.

Send us a message to find out more about our mental health solutions

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We're here to help

U.S. Retirement & Benefits Partners (USRBP) is a technology-focused, independent national financial services firm specializing in employee benefits and employer-sponsored retirement plans for public school, government, corporate, union, and non-profit employers.

National Office:

99 Wood Avenue So., Suite 501

Iselin, NJ  08830

Ph: (732) 321-8300 | Toll-free: (866) 631-8777